Sun, Mon, Tues 6/8, 6/9, 6/10 - Graduation
Sunday – This is my last Sunday at my church here in FL.
Because of it, I was scheduled, when previously was not, to sing on the worship
team. The service went well and I said goodbye to several people. Later on in
the evening, some friends and I planned to go to a evening college service
where they were going to play my video testimony. However, less than an hour
before, I received a text saying that the video was not finished. The church is
45mins away, so I decided not to go. But those same friends came over anyways
and we watched Brave.
Monday – I flew home today. I flew home in order to be at my
sister’s graduation from high school. Over the past few years, our relationship
has grown and it was wonderful to see her graduate from high school! She received honors. (Something
that I did not achieve in high school) I am very proud of her!
Tuesday – My sister and friend had planned this beforehand,
but we were going to surprise our Mom with a birthday lunch. So, our friend came over
and took my Mom out for coffee. My sister set up the house and I went out to
pick up some hoagies for lunch. The first two places I went to were shut down,
but fortunately I found a new place that had amazing hoagies! Went home,
finished cleaning and setting up the house. My mother was surprised! It
was an amazing success! Normally, when that sort of thing happens, namely,
surprise parties or the like, they end up being unveiled beforehand. Or, there
is a hitch that makes it less than what I expected. Usually when that happens
it is because I was the trying to cook the meal and, for the record, I’m not a
great cook. Anyways, afterwards some friends and I went to play tennis, then
almost got kicked out of McDonalds for being too loud. (I would not normally
distinguish McDonalds as being a restaurant of such class that
laughter would disturb the sanctity and tranquility of the other patrons, but
apparently this McD’s was held to a higher standard) Later, I went to my old
workplace, Saxby’s coffee. It was good to see a good friend who still works there.
I worked on my message for Wednesday. Finally, I went out to Applebees for late
night ½ price appetizers. (A fantastic deal for college students)
(This was pretty straight forward. I feel weird just talking
about my day without some other explanation or comment, but this will have to
do. Please forgive me!)
Thank you!
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